[mrtg] Graphed flatlined...

Justin Shore macdaddy at vinnie.ksu.ksu.edu
Thu Nov 11 21:56:14 MET 1999

	Can anyone tell me what would cause my graphs to flatline 
over an extended period of time?  Here the page that shows it:


My .log seems to be ok.  Here's an excerpt:

942353101 3636061607 3569945701
942353101 42115 8681 42115 8681
942352803 44321 8760 44321 8760
942352800 44296 8815 44321 17136
942352500 40712 17064 40715 17136
942352200 40270 6471 40279 8348
942351900 37826 8335 38386 8348
942351600 38384 6483 38386 6485
942351300 38238 6316 42547 6320
942351000 42527 5878 42547 6880
942350700 40594 6882 43338 7256
942350400 43326 7244 43338 7256
942350100 41650 5506 43125 7391
942349800 43123 7397 43125 8315
942349500 42957 8311 45522 8315
942349200 45530 7864 46841 10475

I've removed the related gifs and let them be regenerated.  I'm not 
getting any error back either.  I've also traced through it by hand 
and verified the #'s so it must be MRTG-related.  Any ideas for me?

	On another note, I keep getting this from one of 4 terminal 
servers I setup MRTG to monitor:

[www at Vinnie sktc]$ get-sktc-modempool-
Timeout: No Response from XXX.53.112.6.
SNMP Error:
no response received
SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "XXX.53.112.6" [XXX.53.112.6].161
                   community: "has_been_cut"
                  request ID: 59740691
                 PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes
                     timeout: 2s
                     retries: 5
                     backoff: 1)
SNMPGET Problem for sysUptime sysName on has_been_cut at XXX.53.112.6

The 2nd or 3rd automatic attempt finally gets through.  Is this 
something I should be concerned with?  Thanks!


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