[mrtg] error

Tom Roehr troehr at frenchgerleman.com
Tue Nov 14 18:09:34 MET 2000


I just loaded MRTG and using the example in "The Windows NT Guide to MRTG
2.9.4" I created a mrtg.cfg file.  I replaced the IP address in the example
( with one of my routers IP address. I'm new to Perl so I just
completed the 1st half of the example to get an idea of what the report
would look like.  I'm getting an error that I think has to do with fonts but
I'm not sure.

Below is the text of the cfg file:

Target[]: 1:public at
MaxBytes[]: 1250000
Title[]: AIS Rtr (sample.device): ether0
PageTop[]: <H1>Traffic Analysis for ether0</H1>
<TR><TD>System:</TD><TD>AIS Rtr</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Max Speed:</TD>
<TD>1250.0 kBytes/s (ethernetCsmacd)</TD></TR>

The error I get is:

ERROR: Line 1 {{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0
Courier New; }}
in CFG file <mrtg.cfg> does not make sense

Will someone give me a hint please??



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