[mrtg] help regarding cfgmaker

Manoj Rajkarnikar manoj at vianet.com.np
Fri Feb 2 05:30:40 CET 2007

On Thu, 1 Feb 2007, Gaurav Ghimire wrote:

> Dear all,
> I installed mrtg and compiled it well but now the problem is with cfgmaker
> as in the guides I issued the cfgmaker --globaldir etc etc command but
> there isn't any executable for cfgmaker and indexmaker but there are
> scripts of them can anybody guide me how to make the executables out of
> the scripts or can I use the scripts for the purpose.....I mean when I

use "chmod a+x /path/to/cfgmaker" to make it executable. those scripts are 
what you want to use to generate cfg files and index files.

> used the scripts to create the mrtg configuration files it worked well but
> had i had the executables it would have been more easier and one more
> thing I need to know is i have to keep the logs and the HTML files in the
> html directory and the respective configuration files can they be placed
> anywhere i like??

yes you can put the cfg files wherever you want. just make sure the 
"workdir" in the cfg files are pointed to the path where you want your 
mrtg html files (i.e. your html directory of your web server setup).
Manoj Rajkarnikar 

Systems Department 
Vianet Communications Pvt Ltd
Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal. 

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