[mrtg] Performance

McDonald, Dan Dan.McDonald at austinenergy.com
Tue Nov 18 22:49:48 CET 2008

On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 15:40 -0600, Johannes Prost wrote:
> Hello Dan,

> > but mrtg.cfg is very large.  It is full of Include: statements, e.g:
> >
> > Include: /var/mrtg/cfg/common.cfg
> > Include: /var/mrtg/cfg/sitea/sitea-router1.cfg
> > Include: /var/mrtg/cfg/sitea/sitea-router2.cfg
> > Include: /var/mrtg/cfg/sitea/sitea-ups1.cfg
> > ...
> >
> > In common.cfg, I have all of the standard things, like LogDir:, HtmlDir:
> > and ImageDir:, the forks: declaration, and LogFormat: rrdtool
> >
> If you have all those standard things in common.cfg, how do you get the
> "connection" from sitea-router1.cfg and all the other .cfgs to common.cfg ?

they are all in mrtg.cfg, as Include: statements.

The parser reads common.cfg first, then each of the 600 or so devices,
one at a time, and builds a single data structure in memory to drive all
of the other processes.
> I am/was under the impression that every .cfg file has the settings for it's file.

doesn't need it.  why put the same things in 600 files?

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE #2495, CISSP #78281, CNX
Austin Energy

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