[mrtg] Graphing input errors...

Arvon Griffiths AGRIFFI at dot.state.tx.us
Wed Apr 14 20:08:58 CEST 2010


Target[genoa.err]: ifInErrors.1&ifOutErrors.1:redrock at genoa: * 300 - WORKS!

Factor[genoa.err]: 300 - DOESN'T WORK. I guess my mrtg version is too old (2.10.13)?

My current option line is: Options[]: growright,nopercent,unknaszero

Q 1: Graph graphs from left to right instead of right to left (inspite of the growright).  Any idea why?

Q 2: How do you remove the "(5 minute Average)" labels from the graph labels (e.g. `Daily' Graph (5 Minute Average) )?

My cfgmaker command is:
cfgmaker --global "WorkDir:$vWorkDir" --global "Options[]: growright,nopercent,unknaszero" --if-template=interface-errors.template '--if-filter=$default && $if_type==32' public@$vSitename --output $vOutDir$vSitename\-err.cfg

The template I used is:
# interface-errors.template v20030106 by gvolk at gvolk.com 
# The following is a mrtg template that can be used in conjunction with
# cfgmaker for automatically building configs for monitoring interface
# errors.
# Usage: cfgmaker --if-template=interface-errors.template public at router
# This template is available under the GNU GPL. For more information, please
# see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# Version History:
# 20020806 - Initial Release
# 20030106 - Added GPL Licensing Note

if ($if_ok) {

        my $target_name = $target_name . ".err";
                my $directory_name = $directory_name . "err";

        $head_lines .= <<ECHO;
  #  Input/output errors  for $target_name

        $target_lines .= <<ECHO;

Target[$target_name]: ifInErrors.$if_index&ifOutErrors.$if_index:$router_connect * 300
RouterUptime[$target_name]: $router_connect
Directory[$target_name]: $directory_name
YLegend[$target_name]: Error Packets
ShortLegend[$target_name]: /s
Legend1[$target_name]: Error Packets
Legend3[$target_name]: Error Packets
LegendI[$target_name]: &nbsp;Inbound Error Packets:&nbsp;
LegendO[$target_name]: &nbsp;Outbound Error Packets:&nbsp;
MaxBytes[$target_name]: 1000
# Options[$target_name]: growright, nopercent, perminute
Title[$target_name]: $router_name $if_ref Errors
PageTop[$target_name]: <H1>$router_name $if_ref</H1>
     <TR><TD>System:</TD><TD>$router_name in $html_syslocation</TD></TR>
     <TR><TD>Description:</TD><TD> In/Out Error counters </TD></TR>



#print $target_lines;

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