[mrtg] graphing cisco virtual interface/PPPoE users

Steve Shipway s.shipway at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Feb 2 22:09:24 CET 2010

If the only way to uniquely identify a particular interface on your device is via the ifAlias then MRTG cannot do this - as you say, the Target syntax allows name, description, MAC, IP, type and number but not the Alias.  The cfgmaker utility (which can be used to build MRTG configs) can use ifAlias for descriptions but that's it.

The only way to do this I can think of is to write a custom data collection plugin for MRTG that can do this; then you can make it identify the required username and select the correct interface counters.  Of course this will require some coding to create the plugin...

It would be a good new feature to request for the next version of MRTG to have it able to use the ifAlias and Cisco description to identify an interface, but Tobi has indicated that he has stopped further development of MRTG (other than bug fixes)...


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