[rrd-developers] Re: [patch] gfx/graph fixes for imgformat in

Alex van den Bogaerdt alex at ergens.op.HET.NET
Thu Apr 4 00:36:36 MEST 2002

Tobias Oetiker wrote:

> because the color property is something which applies to areas as
> well as lines while the dashing and the width applies only to
> lines, I don't think that adding everything into the color tag is a
> sensible approach ...

I understand, hence the remark about noop.

> any other ideas ?
> how about a special line width definition eg  Width_On_Off
> so LINE3_1_2 would be a line like this:

All of this of course being (as always) IMHO:

Adding everything to LINE is a mistake.  Even LINE{1|2|3} is a mistake.

LINE:x#color/width (or similar) would have been better.

You have been thinking about using xml; perhaps this is the time.  

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