[smokeping-users] Slave loss computation broken?

Tobias Oetiker tobi at oetiker.ch
Wed Jul 2 15:24:49 CEST 2008


note that the orange stripes are not packet loss, but 'NO DATA' it
means that smokeping has not been running at these times or it has
not completed the polling round in this periode. Check the logfile.


Today Lars Hecking wrote:

>  Take a look at the attached graph from a smokeping slave. Although there
>  clearly are more than two dozen periods of packet loss, the legend says
>  0.00% for avg/max/min/now packet loss. I've not seen this for any master
>  graphs.
>  Out of 30 slave graphs, only 8 or so show the problem, but the probe in
>  question is always AnotherDNS with a record type of MX. Not all probes
>  of this type exhibit the problem. E.g. for one particular probe:
>  - overview/3h/30h graph wrong
>  - 10day/400day graph correct (non-zero loss)
>  All graphs based on a plain DNS probe seem to be correct.
>  Config:
> + AnotherDNS
> offset = 50%
> step = 300
> pings = 5
> +++ FOO_DNS_MX
> probe = AnotherDNS
> menu = foo_dns_mx
> title = DNS MX on FOO
> host =
> lookup = bar.company.com
> recordtype = MX
> slaves = host.sub.company.com
>  smokeping 2.4.1
>  rrdtool 1.2.27 (1.3 doesn't build on RHEL3)

Tobi Oetiker, OETIKER+PARTNER AG, Aarweg 15 CH-4600 Olten, Switzerland
http://it.oetiker.ch tobi at oetiker.ch ++41 62 775 9902 / sb: -9900

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