[smokeping-users] The Smoke

Chris Wilson chris+smokeping at aptivate.org
Thu Feb 11 14:06:37 CET 2010

Hi Thomas,

On Thu, 11 Feb 2010, Thomas Klein wrote:

> I have setup my table in a misleading way. Each Val column was meant as 
> one measurement of 10 values numbered from 1-10. This columns are 
> already sorted and the median should be 5.

Yes, both Tobias and I misread it, but it doesn't matter, you can still 
apply the same procedures I described in my email, in the other direction.

> Is there an easy way for me to create example graphs with such values to 
> be able to explain this to other people based on pictures?

Either build a low bandwidth simulator using dummynet:


and smokeping across it, or draw some graphs by hand in a drawing program 
like Inkscape, or just remember this:

* the lightest grey is for the most outlying packets (the fastest and the 

* the darkest grey is for the ones closest to the median

* darker layers go over lighter

* so the amount of light smoke you see is the distance between the 
outliers and the main bunch

* and the amount of dark smoke you see is the spread of the main bunch.

Cheers, Chris.
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