[smokeping-users] Monitoring the connectivity

Gregory Sloop gregs at sloop.net
Fri Dec 13 16:56:06 CET 2013

Sorry - forgot to send to the list:
That's the very nature of SP.

It doesn't really give only a binary state, unless the connection is
totally down - that's, again, the point of smokeping - where there's
smoke, there's usually fire.

If you're sending 20 fpings that all have different RTT, some are lost
some aren't etc - how do I give you a binary state? If I lost 5% of
the packets, should I tell you the thing is down?

No, you look at the colors of the plot points to tell what packet loss
is. You look at the smoke and the positioning of the plot to tell RTT
and variances.

If you really want raw data, you can dump the RDD database with
RDDDump [iirc] but it's not very useful, IMO.

If you really want black/white state data, then use Nagios. It will
handle alerting better, and give you very straight-forward logs of
what was up or down and when.

But Nagios is bad as a leading diagnostic indicator. It won't tell you
about a connection that has RTT times that are trending up, or packet
loss that, while not 100% is above some threshold and increasing.

So, IMO, you'll either have to live with SP and the way it "sees" the
world, or use a tool that's more appropriate for your wants. Because
right now, you've got the saw out and you're complaining about how it
pounds nails badly.

And you're right. The saw does pound nails badly.
But it saws nicely. I think you can accomplish the task at hand with
the saw, but if you insist on pounding nails, well then you ought to
switch to the hammer.



B> Hi,

B> i've set up smokeping successfully on a Raspberry Pi to monitor my 
B> internet connectivity at home.
B> The reason is that i had a lot of disconnects during the last days and i
B> want to show the graphs to my provider if this does not getting better.
B> But the FPing graphs seems to be "antialiased" for me. Is there another
B> probe or a way to show the graph as a clear line indicating whether a 
B> internet connection  is available or not using ping time average and 
B> timeout?

B> Thanks

B> Elias

B> _______________________________________________
B> smokeping-users mailing list
B> smokeping-users at lists.oetiker.ch
B> https://lists.oetiker.ch/cgi-bin/listinfo/smokeping-users

Gregory Sloop, Principal: Sloop Network & Computer Consulting
Voice: 503.251.0452 x82
EMail: gregs at sloop.net

B> Hi,

B> i've set up smokeping successfully on a Raspberry Pi to monitor my 
B> internet connectivity at home.
B> The reason is that i had a lot of disconnects during the last days and i
B> want to show the graphs to my provider if this does not getting better.
B> But the FPing graphs seems to be "antialiased" for me. Is there another
B> probe or a way to show the graph as a clear line indicating whether a 
B> internet connection  is available or not using ping time average and 
B> timeout?

B> Thanks

B> Elias

B> _______________________________________________
B> smokeping-users mailing list
B> smokeping-users at lists.oetiker.ch
B> https://lists.oetiker.ch/cgi-bin/listinfo/smokeping-users

Gregory Sloop, Principal: Sloop Network & Computer Consulting
Voice: 503.251.0452 x82
EMail: gregs at sloop.net

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