[mrtg] Re: Question on In & Out Stats

Alex van den Bogaerdt alex at slot.hollandcasino.nl
Thu Oct 7 23:15:26 MEST 1999

> MRTG 2.5.3 is reporting that our T1 to our upstream provider is using 94.7%
> IN
> (1457.1 kb/s)
> and 33.1% OUT (511.1 kb/s).
> My question is do I add these two numbers together to get the total?  Or is
> the OUT part of the IN stats?  Meaning, are we using 94.7% of a T1 or  94.7%
> IN *plus* 33.1% OUT and we are totally saturated?

You have 1544 kbps in and 1544 kbps out. 94.7% does not seem to match
1457.1 kbps (it is close, but not exact). Perhaps you should verify
things. If the numbers are correct then you should get more bandwidth.

Are you sure you're not looking at the maximum instead of the average?


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